Pitambari Agro Tourism -Dapoli

We are pleased to offer you the rates of your very own Pitambari Agro Tourism -Dapoli for the year 2023 - 2024

(55 acres of beautiful, pure farmland cultivated by reputed farmers)


School Lunch to lunch package is - ₹1600/-

College Lunch to Lunch package is  - ₹1800/-* 

Extra Staff/teachers - ₹2000/-( 4 sharing basis)


*️⃣ Teacher Complimentary ratio 20:1

 Activities in Pitambari Agro Tourism:

1. Agro tour

2. Ayurteg Garden

3. Bamboo Garden

4. Packing unit (Agarbatti and Oil)

5. Bullock cart ride

6. Swimming pool 

7. Rain Dance

8. Adventure activities (Low rope course)

9.  Tractor Ride

10. Play Ground

11. Nursery** 

Paid Activities:

1. Star Gazing

For booking please Contact: Mr. Vikram Shrotri on 7738375812